Friday, November 10, 2017

One of the most amazing things about life is the ability to ask and receive. We were taught those words right out of the Bible. I wrote the article "How to Ask for a Miracle" to help people in desperate situations. All my articles are posted to Once you open the website, go to Search and post my name: Tony McCleary. All my articles are listed by date submitted. 

My blog was initiated to provide people a vehicle to prayers, and if needed a discussion on visions of healing, including holy water. These are the tools that I've used over the last eight years to help my friends, strangers, and family. However, I didn't hesitate to ask Jesus Christ for a vision of healing to cure my heart condition that I mention in my article. 

Yes, if you're Christian that's where we should go for help. Perhaps you don't have a close relationship with Jesus, and you would prefer to go to his Father. That's fine too!

I wrote my article with the hope that people read it, and they take my story seriously. I honesty didn't think that I would come out of the operating table. From the information already gathered on my heart during this year, I felt that my heart was indeed in ruins. I couldn't fathom a clean bill of health, and be able to walk out of the operating table with just two Stents placed in one artery.

I came home next morning to a wonderful new life! I want to be able to help you with your trials, whatever they are, but you need to reach for me. I have an email address that will be available to contact me, and I promise you to help you through prayers.

I will not use your email for anything other than to stay in touch with you. My prayers are a courtesy, and I feel that I can truly help you, or a loved one in need of deep prayers

You may contact me at:

My best wishes for a wonderful year!


Thursday, February 4, 2016

I have the pleasure of bringing my readers new information with my latest article, "How to Ask God for Protection Against Accidents, Harm, and Disease."

I hope that it is taken seriously, and that my guidelines are followed to the best of your ability. I've worked personally with Jesus for the last five years, ever since I went to ask him for a healing of a cancer patient.

It became my first vision of healing for anyone ever in my life. At that time my blog included a good amount of information about holy water and its benefits. Should anyone be interested in acquiring it   and learning about its uses, I will respond on my email below.

What I am most interested in discussing today is my latest article on Ezine Articles about protection from God. There's no doubt that way too many people aren't fully aware of what I call: the mechanics of  Heaven.

God does send angels to rescue the faithful, but it requires asking him for help. I call it "angelic protection" and it is there for the asking. There are many other forms of protection sent by Heaven to the faithful, and these I discuss in detail in my books.

As I've said in my article, it simply doesn't come on its own. I wish that it did, but from case after case that I've studied over the years, it brings me back to the same conclusion: We must ask and pray for protection from God. There's no going around it. And it isn't me talking from the top of my head. I've lived my share of life to know at least something useful!

You may reach me at: I don't hold emails for commercial reasons, but only to respond to interested parties. I will respond to questions regarding my articles on Ezine and about holy water.

I do wish to recommend my latest book: "Will Heaven Help Me If I Ask" It includes over 500 quotes with many heavenly insights. Kindle offers it under Kindle Unlimited and for a very low price, if you should want to keep it.

Many blessings, Tony

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I have the pleasure to announce that I have successfully published three articles on Ezinearticles. com in the last three weeks. All have the basic theme: to show people that Jesus Christ is a very active God in the world today.

My latest article that I titled, "Never Give Up, the Story of Patricia" is all about this young mother who had squandered her life with drugs and other bad habits. And yet, Jesus came to her rescue a few days before she was to be sent home to hospice. You may find this article under the author's name of: Tony McCleary.

The majority of visions of healing that I do are mainly for innocent people who simply contracted cancer. The source or the cause isn't as important to me as the cure. Doctors sometimes can't do enough, and a miracle is required.

Most of the healing that I've done in the last five years are for stage 3 and 4 cancer cases. I had a steady flow of leads to patients when a friend of mine used to volunteer at a hospital in South Florida.

Now, I occupy my time here in Atlanta in recruiting spirits, and sending them to serve Jesus all over the world. I also enjoy writing articles for, and lastly building material to write my books.

The Holy Project is a program that I will speak about in the coming weeks. It is a program designed to bring back from the grave women who perished to: crime, terrorism, accidents, and disease. These are the major categories. Their role is to serve Jesus as prayer spirits, and to assist him in his healing of people all around the world.

You may be interested to find out more about this program in my book: "Will Heaven Help Me if I Ask?" I have listed it in Kindle, and you may read it for free through Kindle Unlimited. Or you may find it on Amazon under the author's name: George A. McCleary.

One of the things that's important to me is to give people through articles and books an actual view of "miracles" being done through visions of healing. I don't do as many daily visions as I used to, but now I have more time to help people in other ways.

In my futures posts, I will take advise from readers interested in the subject of healing of cancer, mainly. I will also go into more detail about the Holy Project. It is an incredible program which allows me for instance, to work for Jesus and at the same time he provides protection for my family.

If you're interested in contacting me for help, I do all my work as a courtesy, and I don't use people's email addresses for commercial reasons.

Here's my email if you which to contact me and discuss any of my books and articles:

Blessings, Tony

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A year ago I wrote my first blog post after being absent from blogging on prayers for a few years.  

Came December 2015, and I finished with my second book which I titled: "Will Heaven Help Me If I Ask ?" And the sub-title is: "To believe is the secret, and to receive is the result." 

I came to the conclusion after years of praying and doing visions of healing for people, that many are lost for directions when it comes to knowing the ways of Heaven, and how to communicate with it. 

I've spent the better part of four years writing about the subject, doing visions of healing, and administering what I will now describe, and actually named by Jesus Christ, as the Holy Project. 

The Holy Project is based on a group of people working together with spirits and saints to bring about prayers and healing of the critically ill patients in the world. It caters mainly to Christians in Christian hospitals all around the world. However, it is open to patients of all religions.  

My new book goes into detail about the Holy Project. But I wanted to go into many other phases of endeavor that I've participated in over the recent years. Of major importance to me was to reach out with an inexpensive book on Kindle. And be able to teach people how to save a life of disease, harm, or accidents. The book explains in sufficient detail all about this incredible opportunity.  

I've done thousands of visions to heal cancer patients, mostly in the latter stages of cancer. However, I didn't stop there for I was able to do vision of healing for many children in ICU with various illnesses requiring emergency care. 

Of major importance to me was to give the readers an idea of the amazing powers available to the common people, like me, who don't come from the clerical sector but are willing to work with Jesus to serve him and to serve others. 

This is the gist of the book, and I have made myself available to answer questions for those that do read it. You won't regret having found and read about Heaven, and how Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, well known saints and spirits work together to save the lives of so many patients all around the world. 

God bless, Tony

If you should need me to explain quotes and information in the book, Will Heaven Help Me..., I will be happy to respond to you at:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Location for Prayers and Guidance

I wish for people to see that there's hope in life if you simply pray. 

However, from my previous experience in helping people to pray through difficult moments, I've found that the best prayers are gratitude prayers versus "beggars" prayers. 

Gratitude prayers are mainly directed toward making your request to God, also called pleas. Then you have formal prayers like the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary. If you don't know these, just go to Google and you'll find them there.

When you have a serious request of Jesus, for instance, always begin with a gratitude prayer.This is my recommended prayer:

"Thank you dear Lord for helping me with my needs. (Explain your needs here.) If you should help me, I will be grateful to you forever."

It's a simple prayer which I've used many times for my own needs. I highly suggest that you stand tall when you ask God for help. To act meek, depressed, and down-and-out only weakens your resolve to go to God for His help, and actually believe that He will help you. 

"Beggars prayers" on the other hand places you on the weaker side of the famous words from Jesus: Ask and you will receive....This is definitely a clear message to all of us that asking God for help is our right. 

Beggars prayers don't show strength of faith, but of doubt and loss of hope. Whereas gratitude prayers are definitely on the side of hope and faith!

Hopefully my message helps the reader, and if you should want to read my recent book, you will find many insights and information that I know will help you. 

You may go to and type the title: A Life of Visions and Healing with Jesus Christ. 

Blessings, Tony