Thursday, February 4, 2016

I have the pleasure of bringing my readers new information with my latest article, "How to Ask God for Protection Against Accidents, Harm, and Disease."

I hope that it is taken seriously, and that my guidelines are followed to the best of your ability. I've worked personally with Jesus for the last five years, ever since I went to ask him for a healing of a cancer patient.

It became my first vision of healing for anyone ever in my life. At that time my blog included a good amount of information about holy water and its benefits. Should anyone be interested in acquiring it   and learning about its uses, I will respond on my email below.

What I am most interested in discussing today is my latest article on Ezine Articles about protection from God. There's no doubt that way too many people aren't fully aware of what I call: the mechanics of  Heaven.

God does send angels to rescue the faithful, but it requires asking him for help. I call it "angelic protection" and it is there for the asking. There are many other forms of protection sent by Heaven to the faithful, and these I discuss in detail in my books.

As I've said in my article, it simply doesn't come on its own. I wish that it did, but from case after case that I've studied over the years, it brings me back to the same conclusion: We must ask and pray for protection from God. There's no going around it. And it isn't me talking from the top of my head. I've lived my share of life to know at least something useful!

You may reach me at: I don't hold emails for commercial reasons, but only to respond to interested parties. I will respond to questions regarding my articles on Ezine and about holy water.

I do wish to recommend my latest book: "Will Heaven Help Me If I Ask" It includes over 500 quotes with many heavenly insights. Kindle offers it under Kindle Unlimited and for a very low price, if you should want to keep it.

Many blessings, Tony

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I have the pleasure to announce that I have successfully published three articles on Ezinearticles. com in the last three weeks. All have the basic theme: to show people that Jesus Christ is a very active God in the world today.

My latest article that I titled, "Never Give Up, the Story of Patricia" is all about this young mother who had squandered her life with drugs and other bad habits. And yet, Jesus came to her rescue a few days before she was to be sent home to hospice. You may find this article under the author's name of: Tony McCleary.

The majority of visions of healing that I do are mainly for innocent people who simply contracted cancer. The source or the cause isn't as important to me as the cure. Doctors sometimes can't do enough, and a miracle is required.

Most of the healing that I've done in the last five years are for stage 3 and 4 cancer cases. I had a steady flow of leads to patients when a friend of mine used to volunteer at a hospital in South Florida.

Now, I occupy my time here in Atlanta in recruiting spirits, and sending them to serve Jesus all over the world. I also enjoy writing articles for, and lastly building material to write my books.

The Holy Project is a program that I will speak about in the coming weeks. It is a program designed to bring back from the grave women who perished to: crime, terrorism, accidents, and disease. These are the major categories. Their role is to serve Jesus as prayer spirits, and to assist him in his healing of people all around the world.

You may be interested to find out more about this program in my book: "Will Heaven Help Me if I Ask?" I have listed it in Kindle, and you may read it for free through Kindle Unlimited. Or you may find it on Amazon under the author's name: George A. McCleary.

One of the things that's important to me is to give people through articles and books an actual view of "miracles" being done through visions of healing. I don't do as many daily visions as I used to, but now I have more time to help people in other ways.

In my futures posts, I will take advise from readers interested in the subject of healing of cancer, mainly. I will also go into more detail about the Holy Project. It is an incredible program which allows me for instance, to work for Jesus and at the same time he provides protection for my family.

If you're interested in contacting me for help, I do all my work as a courtesy, and I don't use people's email addresses for commercial reasons.

Here's my email if you which to contact me and discuss any of my books and articles:

Blessings, Tony